
West Surrey Golf Club

Roll-Up Times

Format for Each Roll Up 2024

Roll Ups are a fantastic way to meet new Members and play with an array of people. It is very important that all Members know that roll ups are mixed events and anyone is welcome to turn and and play. This being said, each roll up will have an organiser to help orchestrate the day and each of them has a format that must be followed.

There are 4 main roll ups that go out on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday. They are the early morning roll up, morning roll up and the afternoon roll up. Please see timings for each roll up below: 

Monday, Wednesday & Friday Early Morning Roll Up:

Organiser & Contact Details - Marcus Haley

Timings - Arrive from 7:45am and meet on the practice putting green. Tee times from 08:00/08:30 dependent on the time of year. Draw is made on the 1st tee.

Number of Attendees - Approximately 12- 16

Format - No entry fee. Format of golf always varies and games are often match play format within each group.

Monday, Wednesday & Friday Mid-Morning Roll Up:

Organiser & Contact Details - No set individual

Timings - Tee times from 09:30/09:50 dependent on the time of year. Draw is made at 09:10 in the clubhouse, approximately 30 minutes before the first tee time, please arrive well before draw to ensure you are able to play.

Number of Attendees - Approximately 16-24

Format - No entry fee. Format of golf always varies and games are played within each group.

Monday, Wednesday & Friday Afternoon Roll Up:

Organiser & Contact Details - Phil Murray & Mark Latham

Timings - Tee times from 11:30/13:00 dependent on the time of year. Draw is made in the clubhouse around 30 minutes before the first tee time, please arrive well before draw to ensure you are able to play.

Format - £6 entry fee taken from club card (covers competition entry and first drink). Mainly team games but sometimes individual.

Friday Relaxed Roll Up:

Organiser - Terri de Peyrecave

Timings - Tee times vary, usually from 10:00 and follows on from the Mid Morning Roll Up. Draw is made promptly at 9:45 so please make sure you are there in plenty of time.

Number of Attendees: 7-12

Format: No cost of any kind. Each group decides their own format for the day. Groups do not compete with each other. This roll up is designed to be stress free golf geared for the newer, less confident, non-competitive and/or recovering players.

Saturday Roll Up:

Organiser & Contact Details - Tony Foster & Pete Maund

Timings - Tee times from 10:40, Draw made in the clubhouse around 30 minutes before the first tee time, please arrive well before draw to ensure you are able to play.

Format - £6 CASH entry fee (covers competition entry and first drink). Various formats of team and singles Stableford competition.


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